Laboratory testing and certification
To ascertain that our products perform to the highest level we certify and test to the most meaningful standards. The insulation is tested to low, medium, and high activity levels to ensure the product will perform, no matter the conditions or activity.
Laboratory testing and certification
To ascertain that our products perform to the highest level we certify and test to the most meaningful standards. The insulation is tested to low, medium, and high activity levels to ensure the product will perform, no matter the conditions or activity.
From our experience in the world of insulation we know there is a large amount of confusion around which insulation is best for different activity levels. People are generally aware of the breathability of outer fabrics and how this affects the performance and comfort of the wearer. But there is little understanding about the performance and comfort of the actual insulation itself.
In continually changing environments doing varied activities, it is essential to maintain the performance of a garment and ultimately therefore, the thermal comfort of the wearer. To do this, a garment or insulated clothing system needs to be able to perform at a consistently high level across changing environments and activity levels.
From our experience in the world of insulation we know there is a large amount of confusion around which insulation is best for different activity levels. People are generally aware of the breathability of outer fabrics and how this affects the performance and comfort of the wearer. But there is little understanding about the performance and comfort of the actual insulation itself.
In continually changing environments doing varied activities, it is essential to maintain the performance of a garment and ultimately therefore, the thermal comfort of the wearer. To do this, a garment or insulated clothing system needs to be able to perform at a consistently high level across changing environments and activity levels.
Why breathability and liquid sweat transport is important within an insulated clothing system
The warmth and breathability of a garment is key to the wearer’s comfort. Warmth is defined as the thermal protection and heat needed to maintain the core body temperature at approximately 37 °c. Breathability and liquid transport (removal of sweat) allows the body to remain comfortable while active by letting the heat escape in both cold and warm environments. The figure below outlines the testing methods required to define the performance of an insulation across all metabolic rates:
Why breathability and liquid sweat transport is important within an insulated clothing system
The warmth and breathability of a garment is key to the wearer’s comfort. Warmth is defined as the thermal protection and heat needed to maintain the core body temperature at approximately 37 °c. Breathability and liquid transport (removal of sweat) allows the body to remain comfortable while active by letting the heat escape in both cold and warm environments. The figure below outlines the testing methods required to define the performance of an insulation across all metabolic rates:
Low metabolic rate testing methods
A low metabolic rate is when there is none to very light activity, as previously mentioned. Under these conditions it is even more important to maintain the body’s warmth as the body won’t be generating excess heat.
The thermal comfort of an insulation layer can be tested under ISO11092 RCT when dry and wet. The results of these tests give you the thermal resistance and protection of the insulation layer. ISO11092 RCT measures resistance to escaping heat; the more resistance, the better the thermal protection of the insulation layer.
RET measures the resistance to moisture flux which is vapour escaping from your skin with little activity. The human body will still perspire in low metabolic rate activities; therefore, it is important that the insulation layer has breathability. This is measured by the measuring head shown in the Below diagram. The measuring head (which is set at skin temperature of 35º C) records the energy required to keep a consistent temperature as water vapour evaporates away from the measuring head and through the insulation layer. The more water that evaporates, the better the RET value will be.
Examples of Low Metabolic Rates:

This chart shows a diagram of the ISO 11092 RET test method:
Low metabolic rate testing methods
A low metabolic rate is when there is none to very light activity, as previously mentioned. Under these conditions it is even more important to maintain the body’s warmth as the body won’t be generating excess heat.
The thermal comfort of an insulation layer can be tested under ISO11092 RCT when dry and wet. The results of these tests give you the thermal resistance and protection of the insulation layer. ISO11092 RCT measures resistance to escaping heat; the more resistance, the better the thermal protection of the insulation layer.
RET measures the resistance to moisture flux which is vapour escaping from your skin with little activity. The human body will still perspire in low metabolic rate activities; therefore, it is important that the insulation layer has breathability. This is measured by the measuring head shown in the Below diagram. The measuring head (which is set at skin temperature of 35º C) records the energy required to keep a consistent temperature as water vapour evaporates away from the measuring head and through the insulation layer. The more water that evaporates, the better the RET value will be.
Examples of Low Metabolic Rates:

This chart shows a diagram of the ISO 11092 RET test method:
Medium metabolic rate testing methods
A medium metabolic rate is achieved via moderate exertion activities, such as brisk walking. The insulation should be capable of moving moisture vapour to allow the body to maintain its thermal balance when more watts are being generated.
This can be measured with the buffering capacity of water vapour (BPI1.2) test, which measures how much water vapour can travel through the insulation layer under steady conditions.
The test is simulating the condition of the wearer when sweating, therefore the water supply to the measuring head is increased. The sweat is still evaporating via the skin’s sweat glands. In the clothes’ microclimate, there is an increase in water vapour pressure without causing any additional sweating. Therefore, this test simulates the increased vapour’s sweat impulse and measures the moisture with sensors above the insulation layer. The measurement is translated into the moisture regulation index Fd. The higher the value, the better and faster the insulation absorbs the vaporous sweat, so that the microclimate between the sample and skin remains dry.
Examples of Medium Metabolic Rate:

Medium metabolic rate testing methods
A medium metabolic rate is achieved via moderate exertion activities, such as brisk walking. The insulation should be capable of moving moisture vapour to allow the body to maintain its thermal balance when more watts are being generated.
This can be measured with the buffering capacity of water vapour (BPI1.2) test, which measures how much water vapour can travel through the insulation layer under steady conditions.
The test is simulating the condition of the wearer when sweating, therefore the water supply to the measuring head is increased. The sweat is still evaporating via the skin’s sweat glands. In the clothes’ microclimate, there is an increase in water vapour pressure without causing any additional sweating. Therefore, this test simulates the increased vapour’s sweat impulse and measures the moisture with sensors above the insulation layer. The measurement is translated into the moisture regulation index Fd. The higher the value, the better and faster the insulation absorbs the vaporous sweat, so that the microclimate between the sample and skin remains dry.
Examples of Medium Metabolic Rate:

High metabolic rate testing methods
A high metabolic rate is caused via high exertion and heavy physical activities, creating liquid sweat. It is very important that sweat can be transported through your insulation layer and away from your skin as quickly as possible to maintain thermal balance. If the insulation is inadequate when creating sweat in cold environments, this is not only very uncomfortable but means the insulation won’t protect the body against hypothermia.
Clo Insulation has worked with Hohenstein test laboratory who have created a test for measuring an insulations resistance to liquid sweat escaping. This test is the buffering capacity of liquid sweat (TR16422) with microclimate sensors. The test measures how efficiently an insulation can transport sweat in a liquid state, therefore the water supply to the measuring head is increased to 694g/s. This brings the water in contact with the insulation and the weight of water is recorded before and after the test to define how much water has moved off the plate and through the insulation layer.
Microclimate sensors are placed above the insulation layer to record the humidity difference before and after the test.
Examples of High Metabolic Rate:

Summary of test standards:

High metabolic rate testing methods
A high metabolic rate is caused via high exertion and heavy physical activities, creating liquid sweat. It is very important that sweat can be transported through your insulation layer and away from your skin as quickly as possible to maintain thermal balance. If the insulation is inadequate when creating sweat in cold environments, this is not only very uncomfortable but means the insulation won’t protect the body against hypothermia.
Clo Insulation has worked with Hohenstein test laboratory who have created a test for measuring an insulations resistance to liquid sweat escaping. This test is the buffering capacity of liquid sweat (TR16422) with microclimate sensors. The test measures how efficiently an insulation can transport sweat in a liquid state, therefore the water supply to the measuring head is increased to 694g/s. This brings the water in contact with the insulation and the weight of water is recorded before and after the test to define how much water has moved off the plate and through the insulation layer.
Microclimate sensors are placed above the insulation layer to record the humidity difference before and after the test.
Examples of High Metabolic Rate:

Summary of test standards:


Bespoke Laboratory Testing
We offer bespoke testing to assist with your apparel development projects. This involves comparisons of your product to ensure you can take your garment to the next level in comfort and performance.
Bespoke Laboratory Testing
We offer bespoke testing to assist with your apparel development projects. This involves comparisons of your product to ensure you can take your garment to the next level in comfort and performance.