Clo Insulation X British Antarctic Survey

Clo Insulation X BAS
In 2010 we were privileged to have our insulation used in the FlexiTog jackets supplied for British Antarctic Survey team, whilst they conducted important research in Antarctica, keeping the team warm and comfortable while working in freezing temperatures with an average degrees of around -57°c.
Clo Insulation where very happy to supply the scientists and be included in supporting such a good cause, helping us as a brand to deliver on our sustainability promise.
Amongst many other research and projects carried out and conducted by the BAS they also monitor the environmental impacts that climate change has on the environment and this is something that is equally as important to us here at Clo Insulation.
Our two new products Vivo Ocean and Vivo Recycled encompass our ethos by being ecofriendly and not only are they ecofriendly, but consumer friendly too, with a guaranteed great performance delivering on our lightweight, warm and breathable promise when it comes to the performance of our innovative insulation.